Friday, May 21, 2010

Did you have a Mama?

Yesterday, Mike and the girls went to the Library and rented The Jungle Book movie. After they got home, they sat down to watch the movie and
Mike said to Abbey, "you know, I used it watch this movie when I was a little boy."

Abbey turned to him and said, "Did you have a Mama?"

Mike - "yeah I had a Mama."

Abbey -"where is your Mama now?"

Mike - "she's with Heavenly Father now."

Abbey - "why is she with Heavenly Father?"

Mike - "cause she had a bad heart."

Abbey - "where is your Daddy?"

Mike - "I don't know."

Abbey - "is he with Heavenly Father too?"

Mike - "nah, I don't know where he is"

Abbey - paused and looked at Mike with a blank stare and asked, " Well how did you go places?"

Mike - "I had Hunny (Mike's Grandmother), Hunny was my Mom and Dad. Hunny bought me clothes and bought me food and took me to school, Hunny is my Grandma"

Abbey - "oh" now satisfied :)

Patricia Scarlett, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Great Grandma. Our "Hunny"


melissa gargalis said...

Mike's a lucky guy. So insightful of Abbey to ask those questions. Kids are too smart. I worry when someone close to us passes away, how we will explain that and if they'll understand.

lance n sarah said...

Cute little abbey.