Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bike-isuls and a Gooter

A couple of weekends ago the neighborhood we live in (The Highlands) had a huge garage sale. A lot of the homes opened up their garages and sold their up wanted stuff. We walked around and there was some pretty cool stuff for sale!!!

Well everytime Abbey see's a kid on a Gooter (scooter) she tells me how she is going to get one and ride it. She's pretty detailed on how to do it.
Also everytime we go to Wal-Mart, Mike will put her on a Bike-isul (bicycle) with training wheels and she rides and rides.

So as we walked the Neighborhood, Mike found a great Princess Bike for Abbey...$8.00!!! And I found the Scooter for $1.00. What a deal! My dad also got a TMX Elmo for Maddie for $0.25!!! Can't beat that!

Abbey is so excited about her Bike-isul and say that her tricycle is her Bike and her new bike is her Bike-isul. She loves her Gooter and even lets Maddie ride it!!!


Jackson 3 said...

how cute is that!?? & what great deals!! I wish my neighborhood would have some garage sales like that!!

Anonymous said...

Cute what bargain I love bargains.

Kim said...

I love a good bargain! Your girls are so cute and sweet! We already miss you guys and hope you're having a grand time in Cali!

Anne Marie said...

That's so cool! I love bargain shopping! They look like they are having so much fun!